My name is Thomas Deurloo, I live in the Netherlands, and I work as a hydrologist at waterschap Brabantse Delta, a waterboard in the mid-western region of North Brabant, based in Breda. There I work on keeping the water system, robust and climate proof. In my day-to-day work I work with python (sometimes R), GIS (both QGIS & ArcGIS), machine learning and physical models (mostly SOBEK).

Furthermore I’m a part-time freelance data scientist in the water sector. Please feel free to contact me if you are interested.

I’m a water manager by training. I hold a MSc degree in Water Management, track Water Resources from Delft University of Technology.

With my blog I hope to spread the data-related love in the Water sector. Some blogs will be written in Dutch others in English. Check out my latest blog posts. In the gallery you can find some of my spare time creations.